All Tips & Tricks to Make Your EcoVadis Journey A Success

Guidance from a global strategic EcoVadis partner



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What you will learn

  1. Methodology. We help you understand what matters the most, structure your approach, and submit the right data.
  2. Scoring. First assessment or renewing your score, we help you optimise your scoring and get the medal you deserve.
  3. Beyond Ratings. We help you leverage the EcoVadis ratings process to fully embed sustainability in your strategy and operations.

Register for the free webinar

Thursday, 9 November | 5.00 PM CET

Join our experts in this free session meant to share key tips and tricks on the EcoVadis Methodology and prepare accordingly.

We will leave approx. 15 minutes for Q&A

About Nexio Projects


Since 2018, Nexio Projects has been a certified EcoVadis training partner. We utilise EcoVadis' ratings and scorecards to assist clients in evaluating their sustainability management systems. This includes identifying gaps, prioritizing improvements, and shaping strategic corporate programs that promote purposeful business.

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