On-Demand Webinar

Double Materiality Assessment:
From GRI to CSRD Alignment


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For a lot of organizations, a Double Materiality Assessment has not only become pertinent, but the methodology has moved from stakeholder survey to a focus on Impact, Risk and Opportunities (IRO). To get a better understanding of this important concept, this webinar will cover:

  1. How GRI looks at Double Materiality
  2. What are the benefits of already having done a GRI-aligned DMA?
  3. What does CSRD/ESRS ask you to do additionally?
  4. How to bridge the difference in approach between the two standards?

Thomas Regular
Thomas van der Molen

CSRD Practice Lead

Ellipse 4529
Romina Coral Andrade

Sustainability Analyst

Additional resources

Free Factsheet

Towards CSRD Implementation: Our Approach & FAQs

The new CSRD is a big step forward for sustainability reporting in Europe and globally but we understand it's a big step forward for businesses as well. Navigating in these waters can be daunting and overwhelming. 

That is why we put together a factsheet with practical information and tips to help you get started.



On-demand Webinar

Demystifying the Practicalities of the CSRD

In this session, you will learn the implementation of CSRD in phases using the ABCD method we developed:

1. A - Analyse

2. B - Build

3. C - Consolidate

4. D - Disclose


LP mock up 3
Group 337445

About Nexio Projects


Nexio Projects is an international sustainability consultancy that supports a wide range of organisations on their journey from compliance to purpose. Through a network of partnerships with the world’s leading ESG service providers such as EcoVadis, Nexio Projects provides pragmatic sustainability solutions with human customer approach.