Free Webinar

Double Materiality Assessment:
From GRI to CSRD Alignment


Register here

Thursday, 15th of February | 4.00 PM CET

For a lot of organizations, a Double Materiality Assessment has not only become pertinent, but the methodology has moved from stakeholder survey to a focus on Impact, Risk and Opportunities (IRO). To get a better understanding of this important concept, this webinar will cover:

  1. How GRI looks at Double Materiality
  2. What are the benefits of already having done a GRI-aligned DMA?
  3. What does CSRD/ESRS ask you to do additionally?
  4. How to bridge the difference in approach between the two standards?

We will leave approximately 15 minutes for Q&A at the end.

Thomas Regular
Thomas van der Molen

CSRD Practice Lead

Ellipse 4529
Romina Coral Andrade

Sustainability Analyst

Additional resources

Free Factsheet

Towards CSRD Implementation: Our Approach & FAQs

The new CSRD is a big step forward for sustainability reporting in Europe and globally but we understand it's a big step forward for businesses as well. Navigating in these waters can be daunting and overwhelming. 

That is why we put together a factsheet with practical information and tips to help you get started.



On-demand Webinar

Demystifying the Practicalities of the CSRD

In this session, you will learn the implementation of CSRD in phases using the ABCD method we developed:

1. A - Analyse

2. B - Build

3. C - Consolidate

4. D - Disclose


LP mock up 3
Group 337445

About Nexio Projects


Nexio Projects is an international sustainability consultancy that supports a wide range of organisations on their journey from compliance to purpose. Through a network of partnerships with the world’s leading ESG service providers such as EcoVadis, Nexio Projects provides pragmatic sustainability solutions with human customer approach.